Allegedly Laundering Expenses Through Ackerman McQueen Could Mean More Legal Jeopardy for NRA Officers

The problematic pass-through arrangement [former Treasurer and CFO, Wilson “Woody”] Phillips is said to have devised involved a public relations company called Ackerman McQueen and one of its subsidiaries, the Mercury Group. From the time LaPierre took over the group’s leadership in the early 1990s until 2018, when Phillips resigned, Ackerman was the NRA’s largest … Read more

3 A-Rated National Rifle Association Board Members Quit in Protest Over Stonewalled Oversight Efforts

On July 22, four National Rifle Association board members wrote a letter to NRA secretary John Frazier asking that the NRA conduct an independent investigation of various allegations of impropriety and financial misconduct. They also asked for an independent review of the tens of millions of dollars in legal fees being paid to outside counsel … Read more