What Is the Best Course of Action for NRA Members To Take Now?

A lot has happened at the NRA in the past month. NRA-Institute for Legislative Action Executive Director Chris Cox was suspended then resigned. NRA-TV was shut down as part of the NRA formally divorcing itself from its long-time marketing and public relations firm, Ackerman McQueen. Furthermore, the NRA continues to spend almost $2 million per … Read more

Densley and Jones: ‘Super-Owners’ are the Foundation of the NRA

The anti-gun crowd is getting a bit smarter about how to reach their gun control goals. That should worry us, but here I’m snickering over this idea of “super-owners.” So if I own 17 guns, I’m a “super-owner”? What if I own…uh…way more than 17? Half of all guns in private hands ― about 133 … Read more

NRA Membership Up More Than 350,000 in 2018

The Washington Post reports that subscriptions to National Rifle Association print publications are up about 350,000 between February and June. Since the NRA doesn’t release membership numbers, the WaPo figures that’s a good proxy indicating a surge in new memberships since the Parkland shooting on February 14. All NRA members are entitled to a complimentary … Read more

NRA. Winning? Question of the Day

Gun control advocates aren’t triskaidekaphobes. They slavishly adhere to Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals rule number 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” The target in question: the National Rifle Association . . . In the post-Parkland anti-gun hysteria, the NRA is the bad guy. Why? Because there has to be a … Read more