In Cutting Programs to Cover Mounting Administrative and Legal Costs, the NRA Risks Losing Even More Members

Brian Mittendorf, The Ohio State University The National Rifle Association’s financial firepower, which arose in part due to its large and loyal membership base, has long been one of the gun group’s main sources of strength. But the NRA has in recent years faced a financial tsunami, one that came to light after the 2016 … Read more

CNN Prematurely Doubts NRA’s Ongoing Political Influence

Do you remember learning about the famous episode of fake news in 1948 when the Chicago Tribune’s predecessor prematurely called the 1948 presidential race for Dewey over Truman? Well, today’s fake news network has prematurely called the NRA’s influence into question for the 2020 election cycle. America’s worst-rated cable news operation served up another heaping … Read more

The Real Source of the NRA’s Power

“NRA members are not legion, and their views on gun control are increasingly out of touch with that of the median US voter. But they are motivated, and form a loyal army the NRA can call out in general elections and, crucially for issue discipline, primaries. And while it is today an effectively Republican-only organization, … Read more