IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Harvey Weinstein vs. The NRA

“In his initial statement after the scandal broke, Weinstein [offered] to atone for his transgressions by going after the NRA. Even for Hollywood liberals, that was too pathetic. It wasn’t virtue signaling so much as an attempt to buy an indulgence from the Church of Liberalism.” – Jonah Goldberg in Binders Full of Asininity [via] … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: WaPo Holds Feet to Fire, The Ghost Gunner Guns for DiFi and Your Bipartisan Bump Stock Ban

The WaPo has never seen a gun control law it didn’t like . . . After getting an NRA permission slip, the GOP shouldn’t be let off the hook There is something pathetic about grown men and women who hold federal office waiting to get instructions from the NRA before suggesting that they might be … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: Narrative Uber Alles, Dems Over-Reaching and the House GOP Favors Regulation

Because we can’t let the fact that campus carry wasn’t a factor disrupt the narrative . . . Fatal shooting of Texas Tech officer renews debate over 2016 campus carry law despite shooter’s age Texas allows licensed handgun owners to carry a concealed weapon on many areas of public four-year university campuses, but the minimum … Read more

LaRue Tactical Calls For Bump Fire Regulation

Reflecting the growing split within the pro-Second Amendment community, Mark Larue of LaRue Tactical has let it be known he won’t be sad to see bump fire stocks go the way of the dodo. Staunch gun rights supporters like the Military Arms Channel aren’t happy about it. To recap . . . Bump fire stocks … Read more

Dana Loesch Punches Back Twice As Hard Against SNL Pro-Gun Control Sketch

Apparently determined to replicate the NFL’s path of recent success, alleged late night “comedians” have taken on the topic of gun control in the past week (no points for guessing which side they’re on). Also jumping on the bandwagon this weekend was Saturday Night Live. As notes, ‘Weekend Update’ host Colin Jost went off on … Read more

IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Anti-Gunners Misrepresent the Source of the NRA’s Influence

“Part of the problem, I think, is that people who hate guns and gun rights cannot believe that people disagree with them in good faith. There must be evil motives, chiefly greed, that explain everything. The simple reality is that the NRA doesn’t need to spend a lot of money convincing politicians to protect gun rights. … Read more

The NRA’s Position on Bump Fire Stocks was Genius

The National Rifle Association’s decision to stand down over the issue of bump fire stocks has generated a lot of concern, both among TTAG’s readership and elsewhere in the gun owning community. From my current vantage point on a busman’s holiday in a Northern Michigan lakeside hamlet, geographically and emotionally removed from the Potomac, I’m … Read more

IMI Systems Quote of the Day: The Second Amendment Doesn’t Mean What it Used To

“Was the Las Vegas shooter a member of a well-regulated militia? No. Were any of the murderers who shot up schools or religious assemblies or workplaces members of a well-regulated militia? No. And regulated — that’s an interesting word, because no thoughtful person can really argue that guns in the United States are actually regulated … Read more