Smith: The NRA Has Won and America Is Stuck in a ‘Doom Loop’ of Gun Buying

[O]ne would think supporting policies that let Americans carry any type of gun, anywhere, at anytime would be a losing proposition for any politician, much less one who wants to be president. And yet as I listened to Trump — and the parade of equally craven Oval Office hopefuls who preceded him onstage — I … Read more

NRA Houston: Modest Crowds Inside, Headline-Grabbing Protests Outside [VIDEO]

The NRA annual meetings and convention are well under way here in Houston. This is the first NRAAM in three years, the last two falling vicim to COVID fears, so the Association, its members and hoplophiles are happy to have the gathering back up and running. But a couple of aspects to this year’s event … Read more

NRA Board Member Phil Journey’s ‘Restore the NRA’ Video Drops, Says LaPierre is ‘Plundering’ the NRA

NRA Board Member Phil Journey shouldn’t expect a warm welcome from the loyal LaPierre faction that runs the National Rifle Association at this month’s NRA Convention in Houston. Certainly not after he dropped a video urging NRA members to reform the nation’s oldest civil rights organization from within as part of a “Restore the NRA” … Read more

BREAKING: NRA Cancels Houston Annual Meeting and Exhibits

The number of big gun manufacturers and other major exhibitors that have pulled out of the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting and Exhibits was too much. Losing big names like Rurger, SIG Sauer, FN, Browning, Springfield and many others meant that most of the biggest draws for the tens of thousands of NRA members would … Read more

The NRA Convention is Threatened Again as Many of the Largest Industry Exhibitors Pull Out

The National Rifle Association has a lot of problems on its hands. Aside from the now familiar allegations of cronyism and corruption, the NRA was forced to cancel its annual meeting and exhibits in Nashville last year. That was a huge financial hit for the association, given that the the event routinely draws 65,000 to … Read more

VARA Safety Reach Biometric Gun Lock at NRA [VIDEO]

TTAG first talked to Timmy Oh, inventor of the VARA Safety reach gun lock, a couple of years ago when he was still in the design phase for his biometric gun lock. Now, Oh has a finished product and a pretty impressive one at that (see our earlier post on the VARA Reach here). It’s … Read more

Here’s Wayne LaPierre’s Letter Responding to NRA Board Members’ Demand That He Resign

Earlier today we reported that NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre rejected board and major contributor demands that he resign. We learned from a reliable source that, in response, he wrote a letter explaining his position. Click here to read the complete letter.

Democrat Candidates Vie to See Who Will Assume the Most Anti-Gun Stance

California’s Kamala Harris is the current leader in the race to see which presidential candidate is willing to articulate the most radically anti-Second Amendment stance. But fellow left coaster Eric Swalwell is coming up fast on the outside. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) is the latest Democrat to demonstrate just how much the politics of gun control are … Read more

Three More in California, The NRA is Tops and the Social Media Minefield — TTAG Daily Digest

California Lawmakers Approve 3 Bills Imposing New Restrictions on Gun Ownership This must be a day ending with a ‘y’ . . . California lawmakers on Monday approved a trio of bills that would reduce the number of people with access to firearms, including lifetime bans on owning guns for people convicted of domestic violence … Read more