NSSF: February Adjusted Background Checks Total Almost 1.4 Million, Up 7.2 Percent

Two things sell guns in America, civil unrest and politics. Outside of Portland, the civil unrest has mostly disappeared in recent months (amazing, huh?) but with the inauguration of the Bidenharris administration and their anticipated assault on Second Amendment rights, the American gun-buying public as acted accordingly. To wit: they’re buying guns as fast as … Read more

Americans Buying Every Gun They Can: August Adjusted NICS Background Check Up 51%

Surprise! Americans still want every single firearm that gun makers can possibly turn out. But if you’ve been anywhere near a gun retailer in the last few months, you probably knew that already. The FBI published their NICS background check total for August yesterday. Now the NSSF has massaged the data to get at their … Read more

NSSF: 2.17 Million Guns Sold in June, Up 136% Over Last Year, Q2 Sales Up 93%…At Least

After the FBI released their raw NICS totals, this morning, the NSSF has now released the adjusted NICS firearm background check totals for June. The NSSF’s numbers correct for background checks run for purposes other than a gun purchase. To no one’s surprise, the June firearm sales numbers were staggering. Here’s their press release: The … Read more

Americans are Buying Guns. Lots and Lots of Guns

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released adjusted data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) for March 2020 — and the figures were the highest for any month since record-keeping began. March 2020 totaled 2,375,525 checks for the sale of a firearm, an increase of more than a million checks, or … Read more

As NSSF’s SHOT Show Gets Under Way, Gun Sales Are Surging

You have to love the mainstream media, bless their hearts. The AP titled this article about the kickoff of the 2020 SHOT Show, Gun industry gathers amid slumping sales, rising tensions.  Here’s an indication of those the slumping sales: December adjusted background checks — a good measure of gun sales volume — was up more … Read more

November NICS Check Volume Shows Americans Buying Guns at a Faster Pace

As the NSSF revealed once again earlier today, we live in a country with far more guns that citizens. The anti-gun left blows a gasket each time the true extent of Americans’ firearm ownership is revealed and the NSSF’s numbers will probably send them into new paroxysms of hoplophobic hysteria. They can’t conceive of why … Read more

Democrats’ Gun Sales Surge Continues – September NICS Checks Up 10%

If gun makers and the big bad gun lobby had gotten together and designed a strategy to goose gun sales (which were already good by historically standards) they couldn’t have done much better than what Democrats have done on their own. Between Beto’s media-enabled confiscation jihad and other candidates’ using O’Rourke for cover to jump … Read more