THE NATION: There’s No Second Amendment on the South Side of Chicago

I have been close to gun violence my entire life. Growing up on the South Side of Chicago, I’ve seen my classmates carry firearms to keep themselves and their families safe from harm. And I later represented some of those same individuals in court—being prosecuted for firearm possession—when I started work as a public defender. … Read more

This is How New York City Will Make Concealed Carry Practically Impossible Even After Losing at the Supreme Court

But wait: If Times Square is “sensitive” on a busy night, then so is much of the city, much of the time.  Rockefeller Center is about to get “sensitive” for two and a half months, when the storied Christmas tree arrives. The Triborough and Brooklyn bridges are “sensitive” landmarks, as is the Lincoln Tunnel. Macy’s … Read more

Illinois Accidentally Bans Pandemic Carry, and Looking for Mr. Hi-Point’s Parts Kits

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.    Illinois may have just criminalized carrying firearms during the coronavirus pandemic In Illinois, it’s generally illegal to wear a … Read more

Salon Throws in the Towel on NYSRPA v. City of New York

We’ve extensively covered the pending New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case (see here). There’s no way of knowing how the court will rule, of course, but the gun control advocates at Salon and other media outlets seem to be girding for a decision that slaps down the city of New York and furthers … Read more

More Second Amendment Tea Leaves From the Supreme Court

By LKB Reading the tea leaves of what may be going on behind the tightly closed doors of the Supreme Court is always a dicey proposition. However, it’s becoming increasingly clear to me that the Court is indeed gearing up for a major overhaul of Second Amendment jurisprudence. As TTAG readers will recall, the Court … Read more

Fairchild: You Think Gun Rights are Inalienable? Read the Heller Decision

Some wonder why lower courts have openly thumbed their noses at the Heller and McDonald decisions over the last decade. Scalia went out of his way to make clear that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws … Read more