The Gun Control Industry’s Strategy Leaves Me Little Choice But To My Hold Nose and Vote for Trump

If you’re a regular reader here and you saw my name in the byline, it probably means something different to you than the other writers here. I’m guessing a common reaction is probably “Not again.” After all, I’m not your stereotypical gun rights activist. I’m more rabidly pro-gun than most people on the right, but … Read more

Murder Rate Fell 6.1% After Supreme Court’s Bruen Decision, Gun Control Industry Silent

The mid to late 20th century was the peak era of gun control in America. The violence and unrest of the 1960s kicked it all off with the the Gun Control Cct of 1968, the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, the Brady Law of 1993 and finally the Clinton “assault weapons” ban of 1994. … Read more

Slate Cheers 20 Wine Moms Who Are Working to Take Down the Supreme Court’s Bruen Ruling

An article at yesterday details the efforts of a brace of red-shirted Moms Demand Action members who are “scouring archives across the United States for historical firearm regulations.” What they’re actually doing, author Mark Joseph Stern says, is trying to dig up proof that Justice Clarence Thomas was wrong in his Bruen opinion when … Read more

This Is What (Still) Happens In A ‘May-Issue’ Permitting State

  You may remember that last year, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling in New York State Rifle & Pisol Association v. Bruen. It made all the papers at the time. The Court invalidated New York’s “good cause” requirement that kept hundreds of thousands of Empire Staters from lawfully carrying a firearm (unless, of … Read more

The Empire Strikes Back: New York City Issuing Fewer Carry Permits Than Before Bruen

From the NRA-ILA The United States Supreme Court ruling striking down New York State’s concealed carry permit rules as unconstitutional was big news in June of 2022, but indications are that officials in the Big Apple are still trying to decide how to best pretend it never happened. In that decision, New York State Rifle & … Read more

Mogulescu: Clarence Thomas is to Blame for America’s Escalating Violent Crime Problem

Hardly a day or a week goes by without another mass shooting. But the opinion authored by Thomas (and joined by the other five extreme right-wing justices) in New York Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022) has made most commons (sic) sense gun control regulations illegal and will lead to more people being killed and maimed by … Read more

The Civilian Disarmament Industry’s ‘Innovative’ Gun Control Schemes Aren’t Compatible With the Second Amendment

Gun control advocates are ceaseless innovators in the realm of limiting freedom. They continuously devise new and bizarre policies to undermine the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. The U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen poses a serious problem for these gun control pioneers. In striking down New … Read more

The Time Has Come for Reparations for New York City Residents Who Have Been Deprived of Their Second Amendment Rights

Guilt is a powerful emotion. So powerful, in fact, that an American city is considering impoverishing itself and future generations of its citizens in order to absolve itself of guilt, achieve some kind of perceived redemption, and display for all the world its exemplary virtue as it atones for a wrong that…no one in the … Read more

After Bruen, Lower Courts Are Still Coming Up With ‘Creative’ Ways to Prolong the Inevitable

Resistance. We use this term in different senses when discussing lower court decisions. One, courts might resist the fact of the Bruen decision itself or they might read the decision in a manner that resists adopting the logical conclusions of the decision’s methodology. Resistance can also manifest itself in a desultory or bad faith application … Read more