It Can Be Hard to Keep Up With the Pace of Gun Control Laws Falling Thanks to Bruen

A New York gun control law that prohibits firearms in Times Square, Yankee Stadium, the subway and other sensitive places is on shaky legal ground after a judge found these provisions violate the Second Amendment, though the ruling is paused while the case is appealed. The ongoing court battle over New York’s gun control measure … Read more

Kopel: ‘The Trace’ Unearths a Shadowy QAnon-Like Grand NRA Conspiracy That Resulted in the Bruen Decision

If you’re looking for a website like QAnon, but catering to gun control advocates, you will enjoy some articles from The Trace, a gun control website founded and funded by Michael Bloomberg. In August, The Trace presented a conspiracy about the amicus briefs filed in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. The article was reprinted by … Read more

BREAKING: US District Court Rules Ban on Possession of Guns With Serial Numbers Removed is Unconstitutional

By LKB When the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision was issued, even I was pleasantly surprised at the breadth of Justice Thomas’ opinion and its probable implications. By focusing strictly on whether particular limits on Second Amendment rights were historically recognized (and invalidating those that are not), the table was set for potential wholesale invalidations of … Read more

Oh No! The Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Rights Defenders at a Greater Advantage in Court Cases

The Bruen ruling, when laying out the historical prong of the test, said it was up to the government that was defending a gun law to prove the restriction had a parallel in the past. This shift in burden has put gun rights groups at a greater advantage in court. It has also changed the … Read more

Bruen’s Aftermath: The Shall Issue Way Forward as the Blue States Strike Back

By Peter B. Elias and Theresa Inacker The Supreme Court of the United States recently released some landmark rulings in its just-concluded session. For those of us who live in states that systematically violate the Second Amendment, the SCOTUS ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen, handed down on June 23, 2022, (henceforth a national holiday for … Read more

The Bruen Decision is Already Making New York City Liberals Feel Safer Knowing They Too Can Now Become Gun Owners

The reality is that in addition to preventing abusers from owning guns, we must empower vulnerable citizens to protect themselves. For law-abiding New Yorkers, there is currently no swift and easy way to protect yourself in your own home with a handgun. Even if you have no criminal record, no history of mental illness and … Read more

Bump Stock Bans May Be the First to Fall After Bruen

The earthquake that rumbled across the legal landscape yesterday as a result of the Supreme Court’s New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen ruling is only just beginning to be really felt. Yes, the Court nuked “may issue” licensing schemes in New York (and the eight other states with similar laws). But as the … Read more

After Bruen, NY State Bar Association Vows to Work to Continue to Violate New Yorkers’ 2A Rights

  New York’s common sense and century-old law on concealed carry permits struck an appropriate balance between preserving Second Amendment rights and preventing weapons from being procured by those who should not have them. The reality is that most gun permits were, in fact, granted even under the requirement that an individual establish proper cause … Read more

NYSRPA v. Bruen Finally Gives Gun Owners What They’ve Been Waiting For

[ED: TTAG contributor and member of the Supreme Court bar, LKB, has perused today’s NYSRPA v. Bruen decision and gives us his best assessment of what this means for gun rights now and could mean in the future.] By LKB That popping sound you may have heard at 10:41 AM Eastern this morning was thousands … Read more