Dershowitz: With Crime Increasing, SCOTUS Will Extend Heller to Open and Concealed Carry

“I do think that the justices will take into account the fact that people really need more protection than they used to need,” he said. “Crime is going up dramatically, particularly in inner cities. And I do think that the need for self-defense will probably be recognized by enough justices of the Supreme Court to … Read more

Biden Administration Files Supreme Court Brief Supporting New York’s May Issue Gun Control Law

New York’s longstanding proper-cause requirement does not violate the Second Amendment. A. The Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, but that right is not absolute. For centuries, legislatures in England, the colonies, and the States have protected public safety by adopting reasonable regulations governing who may possess weapons, which weapons … Read more

Cornell: Originalism Means Gorsuch and Barrett Should Rule in Favor of Strict Gun Control

In another of Heller’s odd intellectual moves, Scalia read the Second Amendment backwards, and in the process effectively erased the text’s preamble. To justify this unusual reading strategy, an interpretive approach that Stevens reminded his colleagues on the bench had never been done in the court’s history, Scalia cited legal treatises written decades after the adoption of the Second … Read more

The Supreme Court Should Take a Close Look at What ‘Proper Cause’ Means in New York

The Duke Center for Firearms Law had a few comments on the Corlett carry permit case recently taken up by the United States Supreme Court: The case–New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Corlett–centers on New York’s requirement that an applicant seeking an unrestricted license to carry a concealed handgun show “proper cause.” New … Read more

Gun Rights Orgs Cheer Supreme Court Cert of Second Amendment Case

As you’d expect, Second Amendment orgs are pleased that the US Supreme Court is willing to take another Second Amendment case, a year after punting the opportunity last year. As the Second Amendment Foundation writes . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today is hailing the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a … Read more