Did Roberts and Kavanaugh Give In To Senate Intimidation in NYSRPA Ruling?

The dissenting justices say that if there are any remaining issues, like the coffee break question, then the case isn’t moot. Alito’s opinion also references the political brouhaha surrounding this case, explaining: Five United States Senators, four of whom are members of the bar of this Court, filed a brief insisting that the case be dismissed. If the … Read more

What SCOTUS’s New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. Mootness Means Now

By LKB As was reported earlier, the Supreme Court has punted today in NYSR&PA v City of New York, finding in a short, unsigned per curiam opinion that New York’s last-minute gamesmanship rendered the case moot. At the same time, the Court indicating that on remand, the plaintiffs could raise the issue of whether they would … Read more

SAF: More Second Amendment Cases Headed the Supreme Court’s Way

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . . While the U.S. Supreme Court has mooted the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association’s challenge of a now-defunct handgun law in the City of New York, there is a possibility for an important Second Amendment ruling coming from one of four cases now pending before the … Read more

BREAKING: Supreme Court Punts on Gun Rights, Declares New York State Rifle & Pistol Case Moot

In an effort to avoid an almost sure adverse ruling by the Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York, the city changed the underlying law. It was an obvious and nakedly cynical attempt to have the case declared moot and dodge a likely expansion of gun rights … Read more

Salon Throws in the Towel on NYSRPA v. City of New York

We’ve extensively covered the pending New York State Rifle & Pistol Association case (see here). There’s no way of knowing how the court will rule, of course, but the gun control advocates at Salon and other media outlets seem to be girding for a decision that slaps down the city of New York and furthers … Read more

The Supreme Court’s Failure to Defend Heller Has Created The Situation in Virginia

By Theresa Inacker Why does it seem that liberal extremists are pursuing new infringements on gun rights seemingly unchecked? Why do we have an escalated situation in Virginia where liberal politicians seek to further infringe the Second Amendment rights of its citizens, threatening imprisonment and even violence against Constitutional gun owners who have committed no … Read more

Countering The Bloomberg Manifesto

By Dennis Petrocelli, MD Michael Bloomberg’s gun control plan should actually be read by gun owners as a clarion call to get busy supporting our rights. The would-be Democrat presidential nominee has our Second Amendment in his crosshairs and is willing to spend vast (to us, not him) sums of money to strip us of … Read more

When the Subject is Guns, The New York Times Discovers the Benefits of Judicial Restraint

[I]t would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Of course there’s maneuvering on both sides. That’s the nature of Supreme Court practice these days, and it applies not only to Supreme Court lawyers but to the other side of the bench as well. Justice Alito is an Olympic-quality champion at writing opinions that invite … Read more

Detailed Analysis of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. Supreme Court Arguments

By LKB As previously reported, I had a ringside seat for yesterday’s SCOTUS arguments, and Dan posted some of my quick observations from the argument. Now that I have had a bit more time to digest things (as well as some food and sleep), I want to go into a bit more detail on how … Read more