New Zealand Legislature Votes 119-1 To Ban Semi-Automatic Guns

New Zealand surrenders. On Wednesday, the New Zealand legislature voted 119-1 to ban semi-auto rifles based upon a single terror incident by a deranged leftist lunatic, giving the shooter exactly the kind of response he said he wanted in his rambling manifesto. Once the governor-general grants his blessing to the bill, it will take effect. … Read more

YOU DON’T SAY: New Zealand Gangs Pledge to Hold Onto Their Guns

You just can’t make this kind of thing up. You’re no doubt familiar with The Great New Zealand Gun Grab that’s currently going on in the Pacific island nation. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern let no grass grow under her feet as she rushed to outlaw all virtually all semi-automatic firearms after a self-described eco-fascist murdered 50 … Read more