Where Did Our Freedoms Go? Two words: Executive Orders

By Richard Hayes Many of our freedoms seem to have disappeared right before our eyes; no explanation needed, no permission needed, and no votes cast. How could this possibly happen without more involvement among the people of our country? It’s all linked to two words: executive orders. In this two-part article, I’ll examine the subject and … Read more

BREAKING: President Obama Plans New Executive Orders on Gun Control


You know how they say there’s nothing so dangerous as a wounded animal? Scratch that — it turns out there’s something much worse. Nothing’s more dangerous than a (politically) wounded politician. Particularly one with executive powers. In his obligatory annual state of the union speech tonight, president Barack Obama promised new measures (“with or without congress”) to affect via executive order that would further restrict Americans’ right to keep and bear arms – all couched in a desire to prevent another Sandy Hook, of course. Congress and our constitutionally-mandated system of checks-and-balances be damned . . .

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