Ohio Bill Allows For Indefinite School Expulsions For Threats And Hitlists

A bill allowing indefinite expulsion from schools for threatening behavior, including writing a hitlist or bringing a gun to class, passed late December in the Ohio Statehouse and was sent to the desk of Governor Mike DeWine, who signed it into law on January 8. Previous Ohio law granted public schools the ability to expel … Read more

Two Pro-Gun Bills Headed for Ohio Governor’s Signature

On December 18, the Ohio State Senate voted overwhelmingly to send amended Senate Bill 58 to Governor Mike DeWine’s desk to sign into law. SB 58, moving forward with a voting margin of 25-6, would prohibit any government entity in Ohio from requiring citizens to acquire firearm liability insurance or pay a fee to exercise … Read more

Ohio Governor DeWine Signs Bill Eliminating ‘Duty to Retreat’

In a surprise to many, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine actually signed a bill eliminating the duty to retreat for Ohio residents. Previously, the right to armed self defense had been limited to a person’s residence or vehicle. Under the new “stand your ground law,” Ohioans have the right to defend themselves against threats of death … Read more