Ohio: Gun Crimes Drop Following Passage of Permitless Carry

A new study conducted by the Center for Justice Research in partnership with Bowling Green State University found contrary to concerns by left-leaning politicians that gun crime has indeed gone down—not up—in six of the state’s eight largest cities since the state passed permitless carry in June 2022. According to 19 News, the study focused … Read more

Fast Food Employee Serves Defensive Dose of Lead

While Taco Bell’s slogan may be Live Mas (Live More), a would-be robber almost got the chance to live a lot less when he strolled into an Akron, Ohio, location and found at least one employee to be anything less than an easy pushover to rob. According to a 19 News (Cleveland) report, witnesses told … Read more

Ohio’s Tim Ryan Fails in Shameless Attempt at Pandering to Ohio Gun Voters [VIDEO]

Oh, those evil, full-capacity black semi-auto 9mm handguns. You know, the kind that Joe Biden claims will blow your lungs out. They’re scary enough to keep most Democrat politicians far away. That kind of revulsion is probably what resulted the spectacle a rabidly anti-gun Senate Democrat’s embarrassing lack of skillz. But panic makes candidates do … Read more

Constitutional Carry May Be Headed To Ohio Very Soon

Passing out of committee and heading for a full vote in the Ohio House of Representatives likely any day now, H.B. 227 would eliminate the state’s requirements for concealed carry permits and training in order to carry a concealed firearm. This would make Ohio the 22nd state to green-light the carrying of a concealed firearm … Read more

Man Shoots Himself in the Face After Hot Brass Ejected Into His Shirt [VIDEO]

If you shoot often at all, especially at an indoor range, you’ve probably experienced it. A hot empty case ejects from your pistol, bounces off the lane divider and right back at you. Usually it just hits you and caroms off. Sometimes it finds its way between your glasses and your cheek (ask me how … Read more

Ohio Governor DeWine Signs Bill Eliminating ‘Duty to Retreat’

In a surprise to many, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine actually signed a bill eliminating the duty to retreat for Ohio residents. Previously, the right to armed self defense had been limited to a person’s residence or vehicle. Under the new “stand your ground law,” Ohioans have the right to defend themselves against threats of death … Read more

Ohio Fast-Tracks Bill Eliminating Duty to Retreat

In the spirit of getting things done, especially given the current climate, lawmakers in Ohio are trying to fast-track a bill that would give residents of Ohio the right to stand their ground in the face of a life-threatening attack. Cincinnati.com reports: “Senate Bill 383 would eliminate the duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, … Read more

Ohio Legislators: ‘Error’ May ‘Inadvertently’ Ban Many Legal Firearms

“A mistake,” “an error.” Hmm… A mistake in writing up an Ohio bill could inadvertently ban several types of already legal guns and must be fixed quickly, gun rights advocates say. At issue is legislation approved by lawmakers last year… The bill also attempted to align Ohio law with federal law regarding short-barrel weapons, or … Read more

While Dog the Bounty Hunter Talks, US Marshals Capture a Would-Be Trump Assassin

While Dog the Bounty Hunter ran his mouth from his home state of Hawaii about catching a man threatening to kill President Trump, the US Marshals made an arrest. Authorities caught Shawn Christy in Ohio, wet, cold and on foot hiding between rocks in a stream bed. Christy, 27, faced a host of charges, including … Read more