Cleveland Gun Control Laws Struck Down by Appeals Court

Back in 2014 the city of Cleveland proposed some strict new gun control regulations. It read like a gun control activist’s Christmas wish list, including things like a “gun offender registry” based on the concept of a sex offender registry. It would also have required reporting of stolen firearms, and making it a crime to “allow … Read more

Zero Tolerance Government Functionary of the Day: Principal Patricia Price


A 10 year-old boy in Ohio has been suspended from school for using a ‘Level II Look-Alike Firearm’ in school. His ‘firearm’ of choice is more accurately described as his ‘finger.’ Where gun control and zero tolerance collide, all kinds of crazy Orwellian shit goes down. A joke becomes a threat. And your finger becomes a firearm. Doublespeak much? . . .

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Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Terry Thacker [Not Shown]

Courtesy Chris Dumm for The Truth About Guns

Five women were attending the meeting of a home prayer group at a duplex apartment in Marion, Ohio last Thursday when the heavens opened up above them. Technically it was the ceiling that opened up above them, when the upstairs neighbor (not our very own Nick Leghorn, above) negligently fired a load of buckshot through his floor . . .

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Ohio Re-enacts Scene from 12 Monkeys. Locals Underwhelmed.


“Underwhelmed” is an understatement. More like “scared,” “angry,” “panicked,” and “pissed off.” In fly-over country, it’s not often you see exotic wild animals coming over your fence and heading for your house. Well, unless you’re Noah. Or something. But that is indeed what happened in Zanesville, Ohio, when a private zoo owner decided to let his menagerie go, and subsequently eat a gun. 

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Ohio Proposed Bill Would Arm EMTs – Is That Really a Good Idea?

It seems like in these troubled economic times, more and more people are calling for EMTs to go above and beyond the call of duty. Which we’re perfectly happy to do, within reason. What falls outside the envelope of reason, you ask? Well first there was a story about Washington, D.C. EMTs and firefighters being asked to patrol high crime neighborhoods in the district at night, which I found to be a little distasteful (especially since there were three people injured in shootings near their patrol routes recently, calling into question both the safety and the efficacy of the policy). Then today I saw this lovely story about Ohio wanting to arm EMTs, and I gotta say that’s way over the line, even for me. And here’s why.

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Ohio: Where Guns and Alcohol May Not Mix…But They Mingle.

And yes, that IS a real swizzle stick. Photo ©2011, Brad Kozak, All Rights Reserved.

They say drinking and driving don’t mix. And they’re right. They also say guns and alcohol don’t mix. Right again, as far as drinking and carrying. But there’s been a decided swing towards common sense, as states update their laws to allow those that don’t drink to carry in bars. Such became the case Thursday in Ohio, when newly-elected governor John Kasich (formerly with Fox News) signed a bill allowing concealed weapons into bars and restaurants. Think that sounds insane? But wait, there’s a method to the (perceived) madness.

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Ohio Gun Law Update Caught in the Crossfire.

Once I received my Concealed Handgun License, I felt as if I could take care of most situations life might throw at me. Except one. As a working musician, I often find myself in situations that are just ripe for trouble, and there’s not a thing I can do about it, namely, being around the back alley of a downtown bar, late at night/early in the morning, loading pricey musical gear without many people around. Can you say “easy target”? Yep. And the irony is, the one place I need to cary the most is the one place I can’t. In Texas (and for that matter, in most states with a conceal carry law on the books) one big cut-out is that you can’t carry in bars and places that get more than 50% of their income from the sale of adult beverages. Even if you don’t drink. Ohio is on the list of states that’s trying to change that. But they’ve hit a snag…

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