Obscure Object of Desire – Stevens Little Scout 14 1/2

A long time ago, when I was a young man at the School of Infantry, an instructor told us we were apes. He talked about how, with female Marines, he could explain to them how to do something, and they could typically do it. He told us guys that, as apes, we had to learn … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire – Beretta 950B Minx

I’m a fan of pocket-sized pistols, and it’s a rather recent fandom. I used to hate pocket pistols, and that’s because I didn’t shoot very well. As my skills progressed, I realized that most handguns are easy to shoot. Pocket pistols still provide a challenge, plus they tend to be very convenient for daily carry. … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire – VZ 70

I’ve always wanted a Walther PPK in .32 ACP. They are neat little guns but haven’t been made or imported in what seems like forever. James Bond is always associated with the PPK, and the PPK is always associated with the .380. However, it bears mentioning that the original Bond PPK was a .32 ACP. … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Smith & Wesson M1917 Revolver

I like weird guns. In fact, I pretty much like all guns. I know in the past, some people haven’t understood some of my Obscure Objects of Desire, and I get it. That said, I think we can all agree the S&W M1917 revolver was a pretty awesome gun and worthy of being an OOOD … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Mossberg Brownie

If I asked anyone what Mossberg is most well known for, they’d likely point to the famed 500 series pump guns. Those guns have made Mossberg a fortune and are genuinely awesome shotguns. Mossberg is still a family-run company, and if you ever go to their booth at SHOT, you have a high chance of … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Colt Fourth Model Rimfire Derringer

I think a lot of us appreciate rimfire variants of our favorite guns. The HK MP5, the Walther PPQ, the SIG P322, and the GLOCK 44, among others, give us a cheaper way to fire a gun and train with something that’s similar to guns that are a bit bigger and more expensive. This is … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Sterling 302 .22LR Pistol

How did I find a Sterling 302? Well, it’s a long story. I’ve become a pretty big fan of auctions. Not Gunbroker-style auctions, but real auctions that move in real time. I have a local firearm auction that I hit up every time they host an auction. I typically aim for historic, largely affordable firearms. … Read more

Obscure Objects of Desire: Savage M1907 Pistol in .32 ACP

It all started when the United States military wanted to move from revolvers to semi-automatics and wanted a .45 caliber pistol. As we all know, the M1911 won the contract, but one of the pistols submitted for the trials was a new design by Savage. The Savage entry didn’t win, but that didn’t mean the … Read more

Obscure Object of Desire: Winchester Model 1911 SL Shotgun

If you’ve followed any of my writing, you know I’m a shotgun nerd. I ran across the Winchester Model 1911 SL shotgun when I was doing some research into firearms I consider dangerous to the shooter. Nicknamed the Widowmaker, this shotgun is a very early example of a semi-auto shotgun. The Winchester Model 1911 SL … Read more