Olight Releases the Osight Rechargeable Red Dot Sight

Olight is best known for flashlights of all sorts, although they do have a line of knives and tools also. If you’ve been in the online gun community for more than a minute, you’ll know their lights are a bit controversial due to a light exploding a number of years back. It was more likely … Read more

Gear Review: Olight PL-MINI Valkyrie LED Weaponlight

To weapon light, or not to weapon light. That is the question many gun owners ask themselves. Perhaps the most frequent use of pistol-mounded lights is in the service of home defense. Many a nightstand gun has one at the ready for the dreaded bump-in-the-night situation. However, most of them are large and relatively expensive. … Read more

The 3 Things Everyone Should Carry Every Day

Over at Everyday Carry, one can peruse what other people carry in their pockets on a daily basis. We feature one of those pocket dumps each and every evening right here at TTAG. It’s interesting to see how others approach packing – both a gun and other accessories for their daily lives. While you see … Read more