Ruger Wants to Know Why Texas’s AG Gave Wells Fargo a Pass on Their Financial Discrimination Policy

One of the ways that states have successfully fought back against big banks and other firms blacklisting gun industry businesses is with Firearms Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) laws. If a lender — say, for instance, Bank of America, Citibank, or JP Morgan Chase — refuses to do business or calls the loan of a company that … Read more

Kansas FIND Act Financial Anti-Discrimination Bill to Be Heard in a Key Senate Committee

[ED: Texas enacted the FIND Act in 2021 in response to big banks’ anti-gun policies. Money center banks like Bank of America, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and others had put lending and underwriting policies in place that explicitly discriminated against lawful gun industry-related businesses. Once signed into law, Texas’s FIND Act has forced a change … Read more

South Dakota Senate Committee Considers Bill to Ban Financial Discrimination by Big Banks

From the NSSF . . . Tuesday February 15th, South Dakota Senate Bill 182 will be heard in Senate Commerce Committee. Before Tuesday, take a moment to reach out to your elected representatives in the legislature and to Governor Noem and let them know – financial industry discrimination against 2nd Amendment companies is real, and, … Read more

FPC: Credit Card Processors Should Ignore George Cascon’s Call to Stop Processing Charges for ‘Ghost Guns’ and Parts

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement in response to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s letters sent to credit card companies asking them to stop processing payments for select firearm parts, which are legal to purchase under federal law: When the law isn’t on their side, … Read more

For the Gun Control Industry and Their Backers, 2021 Was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year

By Larry Keane National groups began the year with the high hopes of further restricting the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans. To them, it wasn’t about God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution or even about personal and community safety. To them it’s all about control. But those hopes were decidedly dashed every step of the way throughout … Read more

Wyoming Governor Signs Bill Outlawing Anti-Gun Financial Services Discrimination

One of the first things the BidenHarris administration did after taking power in January was to kill the previous administration’s effort to prevent financial institutions from discriminating against certain lawful business segments…namely firearms manufacturers, retailers and others in the business. Back when old Joe was just a young Veep, the Obama administration had instituted Operation … Read more

ND Sen. Cramer: Banks That Discriminate Against Gun Makers Should Lose FDIC Insurance

What [the Fair Access to Banking Act] would do is it would prohibit banks from creating categorical exclusions, industries, entire industries; the firearms industry, fossil fuel, carbon industries, private prisons. Industries that the banks — many banks, large banks — have categorically stated they’re not going to support in the future.  And these are legal … Read more

Bracken: There’s No Need for Door-To-Door Confiscation Once Guns are Banned

So how will they plan to separate you from your now-illegal guns? You’ll be notified that next Thursday at 9AM is your designated time to appear at a certain address, perhaps your local police station, or perhaps a big-box store parking lot, with said newly-illegal firearms and ammo magazines. Current Covid vaccine distribution gives them … Read more

Kentucky’s FIND (Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination) Act Needs Your Support

With just a couple weeks remaining in the Kentucky legislative session, time is running low to ensure that the state Senate votes on House Bill 175. Sponsored by Republican state Rep. Savannah Maddox and passed out of the Kentucky General Assembly with a 73-24 vote, HB 175, titled the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination Act (or FIND … Read more