New Products: Leica’s New Rangefinder Offers Ballistic Calculation Features

Leica, the German optics manufacturer, has unveiled its newest product, the Rangemaster CRF Pro. This third-generation monocular is designed to enhance the precision of shooters and hunters with its advanced laser rangefinding capabilities and integrated ballistic calculations. The Rangemaster CRF Pro stands out for its exceptional optical quality, which benefits from Leica’s extensive experience in … Read more

Goldilocks Riflescopes: Four scopes that are just right for ringing steel and scoring on big game hunts

Riflescope design and market appeal are a little like Goldilocks’ beds and porridge, swinging from too basic (second-plane duplex reticles in 3-9×42 configurations) to too complicated (first-plane precision reticles in monster 5-30×56 configurations). But happily the industry has recognized a just-right combination of precision and simple. Here are four new scopes that can do an … Read more

Riton Optics Design Interview

One thing that differentiates good shooters from great shooters is how in-depth they know their equipment. Knowing the design parameters and knowing the inner workings of a specific feature set will help you maximize performance in any given situation. The following Shooter Opinions interview is with Jerimiah Alexander, the director of Product Design at Riton … Read more

Burris Optics’ FastFire C Optic for Compact and Subcompact Pistols

Burris Optics is no newcomer to red dot sights. Their FastFire series has been around for quite a while and each generation gets a little bit better. The FastFire C just dropped and it’s got a few new tricks up its sleeve over the previous models. The biggest thing is the “Always On” technology that … Read more

Things That Don’t Suck Xinfared T2 Pro Thermal Camera

Have you ever looked into buying any kind of thermal imaging device? They’re not cheap. I was stunned that Holosun was producing the DRS with thermal capability for less than two grand. Any see-in-the-dark technology can be tough to get into, but every so often, you find something that surprises you. The people from Xinfared … Read more

Things That Don’t Suck: Defender Tactical CoSight for Mossberg Shotguns

I don’t work for Defender Tactical, and I have never received any compensation from Defender Tactical. However, I did have a hand in designing their new CoSight system you see here. I don’t want to overstate how much work I did. If we broke it down, it was probably about two percent while the father … Read more

Gear Review: Swampfox Kraken Enclosed Emitter Red Dot Sight

I’ve become quite the fan of red dots on my handguns. My everyday carry handgun has one and I rarely leave home without it. I’ve experimented with a wide variety of dots at a wide variety of price points. The more I shoot and train, the more I’ve become enamored with enclosed red dot optics. … Read more

Gear Review: Primary Arms SLx 1-6x24mm SFP Rifle Scope Gen IV

Primary Arms has made quite the name for themselves. They’ve not only established an awesome retail website, but they design and produce a wide variety of optics at great price points, from red dots to prisms and LPVOs. We have the latter in today’s review, and it’s a new model in their affordable SLx series. … Read more

Gear Review: Primary Arms Classic Series 24mm Mini Reflex Sight

Primary Arms has established a comfortable niche for itself in the optics market. They make affordable optics at varying quality levels. They’ve done a fantastic job popularizing the ACSS reticle design. They sell a little bit of everything in the way of optics, including red dots, prisms, LPVOs and binoculars. Primary Arms has recently released … Read more