Oregon’s Measure 114 and HB 3075: The Latest on Gun Rights in the Beaver State

Big news for my fellow Oregonians: the fight over gun rights here in the pacific northwest is heating up again. As of March 12, 2025, Measure 114—the voter-backed gun control law from 2022—and a fresh legislative push, HB 3075, are here to attempt to further muddle the waters of Oregon’s ever-increasing firearms laws. If you’re … Read more

Kentucky Is the Next State Where Americans Must Choose Between Medical Marijuana or Firearms

California became the first state to enact medical marijuana legislation in 1996 with the Compassionate Use Act, followed in the next four years by Oregon, Alaska, Washington, Maine, Hawaii, Nevada and Colorado. Ultimately, this led to Colorado being the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use in 2014. Since then, many states have shifted … Read more

Skynet Ordered To Pay Jury Verdict To Portland Nightclub Goer Shot In The Leg

I know many of you read the headline and immediately wondered if a Terminator had been set loose in Portland, and while I’d shrug my shoulders with indifference if it had because hey, it’s Portland, that’s not actually the case. I’m talking about a different company here, Skynet Security. As many of you already know, … Read more

Update: Court Refuses to Allow Oregon’s Anti-Gun Measure to Go Into Effect During Appeal

In the latest update on Oregon’s contentious gun control law, Measure 114, the Oregon Court of Appeals has blocked the law from taking effect while an appeal is ongoing, KATU reports. The decision comes after a Harney County judge previously ruled that the measure violated the constitutional right to bear arms under the Oregon Constitution. … Read more

Oregon Measure 114 Ruled Unconstitutional…Again

Measure 114, the controversial gun control law passed by voters by a narrow margin in November 2022 has again been ruled unconstitutional by Harney County Court Judge Robert Raschio. Disingenuously dubbed the Reduction of Gun Violence Act, Measure 114 would impact legal gun ownership in Oregon in multiple ways including: Requiring gun buyers to apply … Read more

One State’s Attorney General Is Taking Aim at ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ Declarations

As Democrats in Washington, D.C. continue to push their anti-gun legislation, states and counties have been fighting back. Local and state officials throughout the nation have passed Second Amendment sanctuary legislation, effectively declaring that state and federal gun control laws would not be enforced in their jurisdiction. Two counties in Oregon – Harney and Yamhill … Read more

Oregon Gun Sanctuary Counties Tell Police to Ignore Most Gun Laws

Oregon Live has come along to let us know that two counties in Oregon have put new ordinances into place to that direct law enforcement to totally ignore firearms-related laws. What laws are they talking about? They’re referring to the gun sanctuaries being established in cities and countries across the country: Northwest Oregon’s Columbia County … Read more

Cities Dumping Armed Police Officers in Their Schools, Leaving Students Defenseless

While most school districts across the country still ban teachers and staff from carrying firearms to protect their students, there are about 25,000 school resource officers on campuses. Cops stationed in schools who can provide some level of defense should the worst happen. But in the wake of the George Floyd killing all things cop … Read more

Sen. Rob Wagner: Listen To The Children For New Gun Control Ideas

Oregon is looking to push some even more stringent gun control laws through such as requiring permits for gun owners, capacity limits and severely limiting ammo purchases (among other things). So where did the Democrats get their ideas for the new bill? It’s the brainchild of student activists connected to the movement that grew out … Read more