OFF: Oregon 114 Violates the Second Amendment and a Basic Understanding of the English Language

…Judge Karin Immergut ruled against gun owners, the Second Amendment and a basic understanding of the English language and ruled that Ballot Measure 114 is just fine. The decision is 122 pages and we just received it so we have not had time to analyze it in depth. What we have read defies belief.  While … Read more

SAF, FPC Sue to Block Oregon Measure 114, Hearing on Earlier Suit Scheduled for Friday

Oregon’s narrowly-passed ballot measure 114 is full of blatantly unconstitutional mandates that infringe on Second Amendment rights. Never mind that the state hasn’t figured out how to implement things like gun owner licensing, what the mandated “safety course” will look like, or how to enforce 114’s ban on “high capacity” magazine sales and transfers.  As … Read more