Silencer Review: OSS Suppressors RAD 9 and RAD 45

OSS Suppressors is known for “flow-through” suppressor designs that greatly reduce backpressure for the firearm and gas blowback for the shooter. After many years of focusing on suppressing rifles, OSS has finally branched out into pistol silencers with the release of the RAD 9 and RAD 45 tested here. Silencer Shop was good enough to … Read more

Two Silencer Shop Halloween Contests: Win a Free Suppressor (and Tax Stamp)

Halloween is just around the corner! While free candy is always on the table, this year you have two chances to win a free silencer, one from Dead Air and one from OSS. Five days left to enter the Silencer Shop and Dead Air costume contest to win a Dead Air Mask or Ghost. How … Read more

Testing Out OSS Suppressors’ New Can

  Johnny, one of Kevin’s Brittingham’s friends and subsequently one of mine, is part owner of a new silencer company called OSS Silencers. Their whole shtick is that the cans don’t increase back pressure, don’t blow any crap into your face, and can be tuned to either increase or even decrease the cyclic rate of … Read more