That’s Otis McDonald of the italicized McDonald decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. The five to four ruling struck down Chicago’s 28-year-old handgun ban, incorporated the Second Amendment (made it trump state law) and opened the door to an extended magazine of lawsuits, thanks to its green light for “reasonable” gun control regulations. As we continue to follow the arc of that story, let’s pause for a moment as an African American who secured the right to bear arms in the highest court in the United States applies for a handgun license at a Chicago police station . . .
Do You Know When The Second Amendment Was Ratified?
When it comes to Americans remembering important dates, public education fails too often. For instance, if you think the American Revolution began in 1776, you should attend an Appleseed Heritage and Marksmanship event. And if you think the 2A came about in 1789, you almost nailed it. Actually, the world-famous American Second Amendment received ratification … Read more