A Beginners’ Guide to Paintball

I love shooting at a gun range. It makes me happy—in a meditative, controlled way. Barring any unwelcome accidents on the line, I expect any given trip to the range to be cathartic and satisfying. But not exciting. Nor particularly useful in terms of self-defense strategy and/or tactics. If you shoot to learn how to protect yourself in an armed encounter, or feel like you’re singing that old B.B. King song The Thrill is Gone, it’s time to take it to the next level. Paintball . . .

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The Importance of Earnest Practice.

Most anti-gun types automatically assume that a non-law enforcement or military gun owner has limited skills. It’s the “civilians shouldn’t be trusted with a gun” argument. In a way, they are (kind of) not too far off the beam. The worst kind of self defense comes when you have a gun and don’t know how to use it, or use it badly. Pandemonium (or worse) ensues. So if you own a gun and expect to use it for self defense, you should learn how to use it effectively—if only to protect and justify your right to carry it. 

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Paintball Prey?

What is a paintball sniper? A paintball sniper is totally different than your typical paintball gunman. A sniper lays low, hidden, usually in complete isolation from the other players, waiting to take out his unsuspecting prey. A sniper must demonstate [sic] total patience, laying completely still often for long periods of time. A sniper also uses a different type of … Read more