Hogg: 97 Percent of Americans Want Universal Background Checks

David Hogg is back and as indoctrinated as ever: Ninety-seven percent. That’s the overwhelming percentage of Americans who are in favor of universal background checks. No issue in American politics is more universally agreed upon than this. Yet nearly 40,000 people died last year due to gun violence. When our school was shot up, we … Read more

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Officials Ignored 69 Mental Health Warnings

For those who believe we have a gun problem, not a mental health care crisis, there is this little gem from the Sun Sentinel which is fast becoming my new favorite news source: Cruz didn’t keep his homicidal urges quiet. But the schools incompetently handled the threat he represented to his fellow classmates and teachers. … Read more

Sun Sentinel: Parkland Police, Officials Were ‘Unprepared and Overwhelmed’

I’d like to preface this accounting of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High failures on Valentine’s Day 2018 with this reminder: no one is coming to save you; you are on your own. The South Florida Sun Sentinel has compiled a comprehensive and disturbing timeline of what happened — and didn’t happen — that day in Parkland. … Read more

PolitiFact: Lie of the Year is the Smear Campaign Against Parkland Students

Even for PolitiFact this is a bit much… In another year of lament about the lack of truth in politics, the attacks against Parkland’s students stand out because of their sheer vitriol. Together, the lies against the Parkland students in the wake of unspeakable tragedy were the most significant falsehoods of 2018. We name them … Read more

Parkland Commission: Yes, Let’s Arm Qualified Teachers

With the one-year anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School murders approaching, Broward County officials have been considering how to prevent a recurrence. According to the Washington Post, though, it would appear they’re leaving more than a few boxes unchecked: [Kathy Koch, chief spokeswoman for Broward County Public Schools, said] “We are studying the … Read more

Who’s Going to Tell David Hogg That Guns Save Lives? [GRAPHIC IMAGE]

David Hogg desperately wants his fifteen minutes of fame to continue. When Senator Marco Rubio tweeted a religious message last Friday, December 7th, the media’s favorite anti-gun teen just couldn’t help himself. Furiously tapping away at his keyboard, Hogg tweeted back “Who is going to be the one to tell Marco Rubio that Bible verses … Read more

Hogg is Back: A Round with 30 Magazines is a Deadly Instrument

Not sure if Hogg mispoke or they wrote it down wrong. Either way…I laughed. A round with 30 magazines is a deadly instrument. … We need to address the gun show loophole. Young people can change the world as long as they believe in themselves and never give up. I hope to be working with … Read more

French: A Generation of Broken People is Causing Mass Shootings

“For example, while I support concealed carry by law-abiding citizens and know that armed citizens have foiled multiple attempted shootings, I view the presence of more concealed carriers as at best a potential mitigating factor. Even the fortunate presence of armed citizens doesn’t by any means guarantee a positive outcome. People can freeze. People can … Read more

Cameron Kasky on How the Media Should Cover Mass Shootings

“It’s a double-edge sword because on the one hand, I was on national news while the bodies were still warm and people hadn’t been buried yet. And at the time, I really didn’t think about it, but in retrospect, it makes me question…was that appropriate? “On the one hand, the cameras are gonna leave. And … Read more