Patriot Picket Lets Marylanders Know What to Expect From the Legislature’s Bruen Response Bill

As in so many other blue states, Maryland’s legislature is working on a Bruen response bill — the Gun Safety Act — that would drastically crack down on gun right including no-go zones for concealed carry permit holders. Members of Patriot Picket have been there in Annapolis letting Delegates know that with Bruen now the … Read more

What Kind of State Do Marylanders Want to Raise Their Children In?

“If this (gun control) does get passed, it’s going to be struck down and all they’re going to do is cost the Maryland taxpayer tons of money defending it in court. Don’t pass this unconstitutional law,” said Paul Brockman, a self-employed contractor from Hanover, Maryland, and spokesperson for The Patriot Picket, an Annapolis Second Amendment activist … Read more

Virginia Gun Owners Shamed Michael Bloomberg at Election Eve Town Hall

Virginia gun owners and their allies have shown the rest of 2A Nation how to engage in ambush political warfare against the tyrannical impulses of Mini-Mike Bloomberg, a man who has pledged his personal fortune to strip Second Amendment rights from all Americans. The scene was a Northern Virginia college campus this week, where Fox … Read more

2A Supporters, Gun Control Orgs React to Defeat of Virginia ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

By Jeff Hulbert The “assault weapons” ban bill that brought more than 25,000 gun rights supporters to the Virginia statehouse last month has been shelved for the 2020 legislative session. The vote in the Senate Judiciary committee to push the bill onto the 2021 legislative calendar so that it can be reviewed by a state … Read more

Hundreds of Gun Rights Supporters Spoil Bloomberg Campaign’s Arlington, VA Gun Control Rally

By Jeff Hulbert Once upon a time in Virginia, a little emperor named Michael Bloomberg threw a gun control party, but gun rights advocates crashed it…bigly. And what a party it was. Unfortunately, we neglected to RSVP. Spoiler Alert: this story has a happy ending with Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign bus veering off into a … Read more

Virginia Governor Northam’s Eastern Shore Home Folks Mystified by His 2A Betrayal

By Jeff Hulbert Virginia Governor Ralph Northam may have great aspirations for his radical gun control plans for 2020, but “his people” aren’t having any of it. “Ralph Northam has stirred up a hornet’s nest,“ declared Jerry Pinkston, as he braced against the cold wind blowing across the plaza at the Accomack County Administration Building. … Read more

Patriot Picket at the Supreme Court

On a dreary and cold morning interrupted occasionally by light rain showers, the Bloomberg-financed gaggle of anti-gun groups that converged at the U.S. Supreme Court today found that there was almost no one gathered in front of podium to listen to their scheduled gun control rants. That’s because so many in the Bloomberg People Control … Read more

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Supreme Court Case Circus is Coming to DC

[ED: The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. v. City of New York on Monday, December 2. TTAG contributors LKB (a member of the Supreme Court bar) and Jeff Hulbert of Patriot Picket will be there reporting on the arguments and the surrounding protests throughout the day.] … Read more

Patriot Picket Founder Jeff Hulbert Ejected From House Judiciary ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Hearing

[ED: Earlier this year, when Maryland’s legislature was considering a range of new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, a local group called Patriot Picket attended the committee hearings in Annapolis letting legislators know that they would not comply. Read our post on the the group and the anti-gunners’ resulting freak-out here. … Read more