Pennsylvania Democrats Turn To Zoning To Attack FFLs 

With the Second Amendment being an easy read for the literate and Pennsylvania state law prohibiting the regulating of firearms by local government, it should be hard to imagine a world in which a township can use zoning to prohibit a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) from doing business strictly because they deal in guns. But … Read more

Gun Trafficking Uncovered In Connection With Wrong-House Home Invasion

Beware of who you allow in your home and what they might see. That is just one lesson learned as one Pennsylvania family’s need to declutter led to tragedy for another.  Kelvin Roberts and Charles Fulforth were arrested and charged this past December with murder, burglary, and related offenses in connection with a wrong-house home … Read more

Legal Victory Secured for Young Adults in Pennsylvania Open Carry Case

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) scored a significant legal victory for young adults in Pennsylvania as the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to block the state police from arresting law-abiding 18-20-year-olds for openly carrying firearms during a declared state of emergency. The case, Madison Lara v. Commissioner Pennsylvania State Police, marks the … Read more

Defense of Home Nabs Man 17 Years in Prison

Sometimes you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. That is the case if you’re a drug dealing, stolen gun possessing homeowner defending yourself against the break-in of your home. And that was certainly the case for Pennsylvania man, Malique Jamal Black as reported by the Bridgeville Signal Item. The Bridgeville Signal Item reports … Read more

Florida and Pennsylvania Democrats Continue to Legislate in Contempt 

Until they face legal consequences, the contemptuous left has made it clear that they will continue to spend tax dollars legislating in defiance of the judiciary, particularly the United States Supreme Court. While “contemptuous” could be aptly described here as full of scorn or disdain, I am referring to contempt of court, legal terminology that … Read more

How Tax Dollars Exchange Hands For Political Favor

I’m calling this one out right from the starting gate. A $4 million federal grant has just been awarded to Pennsylvania through the U.S. Department of Justice Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI), claiming its goal is to expand evidence-based programs targeting root causes of violence and attempting to provide support to victims and … Read more

Dangerous Games 

As the saying goes, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, but some are deciding to take this mantra to a whole new level of dim-wittedness. As someone who has never played Fortnite or dominoes, perhaps I just don’t understand the stakes or raw emotion involved, or maybe heavy drug usage and hearing voices in your … Read more

Pennsylvania Man Faces 20 Years In Prison For Straw Purchases

A 25-year-old Pennsylvania man was sentenced on October 18, facing up to two decades in state prison after pleading guilty to making multiple firearms straw purchases at gun stores across Bucks County according to authorities. A straw purchase is defined by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) as buying a firearm for … Read more

Things Stupid People Do: Argument Over Chores Leads to Gun Play

Who’s responsible for doing these dishes? In yet my second reference within a month to the hit television show, It’s Always Sunny In Philidelphia, a Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, man is facing charges after authorities say he fired a gun at another man during an argument over, of all things, the dishes! According to the Carbondale … Read more