Sorry Josh, Eagle Arms Productions Will Allow Sales of ‘Ghost Gun’ Build Kits After All

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Josh Shapiro made a hasty bee-line for the nearest TV cameras on Monday to anxiously announce that he’d managed to pressure the state’s largest gun show promoter to end the sale of so-called ghost gun kits at their shows. Eagle Arms Productions confirmed the agreement at the time, but had no more … Read more

Pennsylvania AG Pressures Gun Show Promoter to Ban Sales of ‘Ghost Gun’ Kits

Pennsylvania’s assiduously anti-gun Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, did the happy dance today for the press after announcing that he’s pressured the state’s largest gun show promoter into banning the sale of “ghost gun” kits. Shapiro held a press conference in Philadelphia today to announce the “agreement” under which Eagle Arms Productions will prohibit the sale … Read more