How Do I Choose Good Self-Defense Ammo For My Handgun?

Most gun owners know the importance of choosing good self-defense ammo that works for their particular handgun. The problem is, most aren’t sure how to do that. How do you know which ones are good, which are only OK, and which ones excel? There are a few basic criteria for picking good self-defense ammunition for … Read more

When it Comes to Choosing Your Carry Gun and Ammo, Remember What’s Really Important

Even more inexplicable are the shooters who choose the Thor-Hammer 147-grain over the competing loads from FreedomFist and ‘MurricaHeckYeah because, according to the data on the box flap, it’s 30 fps faster at the muzzle. I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad tidings, but those box-flap numbers come from a test barrel at … Read more

I Have Found the Best Self-Defense Handgun Round!

By Eric J. So, which carry handgun caliber is the “best”? After exhaustive research of the comment sections of various blogs and online forums, I have determined which cartridge is the best for defensive carry. Behold, the classic argument has now been settled for all time. The .380 ACP is admittedly weak but it’s totally … Read more

The 3 Best Handgun Calibers for Armed Self-Defense

Caliber wars — gun owners arguing over the relative merits of various calibers of self-defense ammunition — are an ugly, protracted business. This article will do nothing to reduce the hostility and much to increase it. Oh well. It’s hard to talk about personal defense ammo without touching off a skirmish. A gun owner’s choice … Read more

Honor Defense Announces New Line of Frangible Hollow Point Personal Defense Ammunition

Press release: Gainesville, Ga (October 30, 2018) – Honor Defense is pleased to announce the introduction of a new line of hi-performance self-defense ammunition for consumers. The new ammunition features: Precision-drilled hollow point Maximum accuracy Frangible Maximum terminal behavior in soft tissue Reduced ricochet Perfect for steel plate training or self-defense Top pistol self-defense calibers .380, … Read more

Ammo Review: Hornady Critical Defense 110gr FTX .38 Special +P Ballistic Testing

Hornady introduced their Critical Defense line a number of years ago. This ammunition was designed with Hornady Flex Tip technology to prevent issues associated with traditional hollowpoints. It has since become an extremely popular personal defense round and can be found in the guns of tens of thousands of everyday carriers. Today we will be … Read more

Stopping Power: What It Is and Why You Shouldn’t Care

By Connor Hayes If you work in firearm sales like I do, then you’re bound to cater to plenty of new shooters. And when you do, you’re going to encounter a particular question very quickly: “Which is better? X MM, XX S&W or XX ACP?” My initial answer is usually short and while it may … Read more

Ammo Review: SIG SAUER 365 V-Crown 9mm 115gr JHP Personal Defense Ammunition

SIG SAUER recently released a line of ammunition to go with their fantastic new P365 9mm pistol, aptly called the 365 V-Crown. This load is consists of a jacketed hollowpoint that SIG describes as being ‘optimized for CCW. In this ammo review I test it in a couple different guns and see how it functions … Read more