First Night Jitters: Philly Pizza Delivery Guy Shoots One of Two Armed Carjackers

Yesterday we highlighted a defensive gun use that took place in our nation’s capital. Today, we move up America’s gold coast on the Acela line to the City of Brotherly Love where violent crime continues to set records and the city can see as many as 10 carjackings in a weekend. The good news for … Read more

Another Philly Carjacker Shot, This Time By a Legally Armed Pizza Delivery Driver [VIDEO]

Like many urban areas in the U.S., Philadelphia, thanks in part to it’s Soros-funded prosecutor who refuses to prosecute many crimes that are on the books, has a serious crime problem. Carjackings have become commonplace and more and more good people have decided to arm themselves for protection. Early Thursday evening, a man ran up … Read more

Not-So-Brotherly Love: Philly Notches 100 Carjackings in First Two Weeks of 2022 – VIDEO

Once upon a time, Philadelphia was better known for its brotherly love than for feral crime.  However, with Soros-funded prosecutor Larry Krasner putting criminals’ interests first and the people’s somewhere further down the list, along with so-called “bail reform,” crime has soared. In fact, even before the end of the first two full weeks of … Read more

Soon-To-Be Former Lyft Driver Shoots a Pair of Carjackers in the City of Brotherly Love

“Brotherly Love” surely seems to be a distant thing of the past in Philadelphia. Under the permissive policies of Philly DA Karry Krasner, and “bail reform” efforts, the city experienced a record number of shootings and murders last year. But according to police, a Lyft driver put the brakes on a couple of armed carjackers … Read more