Springfield Armory’s Echelon 4.0C – A New Compact Powerhouse

Springfield Armory’s Echelon 4.0C

The world of 9mm mid-size pistols is ever-growing. The introduction of the venerable Glock 19 set the standard for what was to become the compact pistol market: 15+1 capacity and a 4-inch barrel. I don’t know how many pistols I’ve handled that meet those criteria, but I found one that got it right—the new Springfield … Read more

Guns We Love: Sig Sauer P365 9mm Review

In the early 2,000’s, single stack 9mm handguns were the hot trend in the concealed carry market. Most of the gun manufacturers were competing to create the smallest handgun that would hold six or seven rounds. This included the extremely popular M&P Shield and the highly anticipated Glock 43 (albeit a couple of years later … Read more

Is the .380 Good for Self-Defense? Everything You Need to Know

The .380 ACP has sparked debate among firearms enthusiasts for years, with some dismissing it as underpowered and others championing its compact, easy-to-handle nature.  For those seeking a self-defense caliber that’s both concealable and effective, the .380 remains a viable option.  But how good is it, really? Key Takeaway The .380 ACP can be effective … Read more

Gun Review: The S&W M&P Metal Performance Center SPEC

Polymer frame striker-fired handguns are affordable, lightweight and reliable in most models. But striker-fired guns don’t have to be made of affordable polymer at all times. There is room for metal frames in order to improve fit and feel and heft. Smith & Wesson’s Military & Police 9mm is one of these guns and offers … Read more

Nashville Homeowner Shoots Armed Intruder Breaking into His House

A Nashville homeowner shot a man who allegedly attempted to break into his house early Saturday morning, with police deeming the act self-defense, according to local authorities. The incident occurred in the Trinity Hills neighborhood just before 6 a.m. when homeowner and his family were startled by loud banging on their front door and windows, … Read more

Improve Your Shooting: The 50-Round Skill Sustainment Course of Fire

In case you didn’t already know it, if you don’t continue to shoot over time, you will slowly lose your shooting skills. Ammunition is more reasonable that it was a couple of years ago, but you still want to make the most of your training dome and dollars. How do you maintain your skill set … Read more

Swampfox Optics Releases the Sentinel II RMSc footprint Red or Green Dot Optic

Swampfox Optics just officially dropped a new optic for subcompact pistols using the RMSc footprint, the Sentinel II (see our review here). It comes with either a green or red 3MOA dot, has a 50,000 hour battery life, and a body of 7075-T6 aluminum. What makes the Sentinel II unique is that the optic window … Read more

It Is Here: The Long-Awaited Hi-Point YC9 Yeet Cannon 9mm Pistol

Back in January of 2019 Hi Point Firearms announced a new 9mm and had a now-infamous naming contest on social media for the pistol. In the grand tradition of Boaty McBoatface, that resulted in an overwhelming vote to name the new gun the Yeet Cannon, or YC9…much to Hi-Point’s chagrin. The Yeet Cannon option made … Read more

The Gun That Never Went On Duty: AMT’s On Duty Pistol

Arcadia Machine & Tool was a company made famous by the hit 1980s sci-fi action/horror film, Terminator. AMT was founded in 1977 in Irwindale, California and making their claim to fame by developing a number of guns in stainless steel like the movie-famous Hardballer above. Other than the Hardballer, AMT made a number of guns. … Read more