YES, It Is Legal to Shoulder an AR-15 Pistol Equipped with an Arm Brace

JULY 2018 UPDATE: It has been clarified that you CAN legally shoulder an AR-15 pistol equipped with a stabilizing brace, irrespective of the manufacturer of the brace. That means a Sig arm brace (e.g. this pistol brace) IS legal to use in this manner.  In 2013, SB Tactical introduced the AR-pistol “stabilizing brace.” Navy veteran Alex Bosco designed the … Read more

Gear Review: Gear Head Works Tailhook Pistol Braces (New Release) While “game changer” may be one of the most overused phrases of the past few years, earning my distaste almost as strongly as the completely useless term “bi-weekly” but with a much more violent eye roll, in the case of the Gear Head Works Tailhook pistol braces it’s an apt description. These simple, functional … Read more