Biden and Congress Promise to Enact More Gun Control as States Move to Nullify Enforcement

By Lindsay Whitehurst, AP With Democrats controlling the presidency and Congress, Republican state lawmakers concerned about the possibility of new federal gun control laws aren’t waiting to react. Legislation in at least a dozen states seeks to nullify any new restrictions, such as ammunition limits or a ban on certain types of weapons. Some bills … Read more

Nadal: Disenfranchised Communities Need Guns Because Police Can’t Be Trusted to Protect Them

The state is given a huge amount of power and discretion in the way that it decides who should be allowed to have a firearm and who should not. Background checks are a common tool for enforcing gun-control. This has been yet another tool of the state that is enforced inequitably. It has regularly been … Read more

Americans Are in No Mood to Listen to Gun Control Advocates Any More

Two armed cigar store owners just defended their shop against a dozen looters already in the store. — Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 1, 2020 For fans of legal restrictions on self-defense rights, 2020 is a disaster. It provides continuing evidence that to push gun control proposals is to advocate that the likes of Derek … Read more