Confessions of an Ex Cop: Young Police Officers Can Be Downright Dangerous

By Bud Harton I became a cop in the spring of 1969 after returning home from Vietnam. It’s hard to imagine now, but returning Vietnam veterans weren’t really appreciated by the American public at the time. I quickly learned that I should avoid the subject of Vietnam altogether and if questioned whether I had been … Read more

Massad Ayoob On the Philando Castile Shooting and What To Do If You’re Stopped By Police

In a recent video, Wilson Combat hosted Massad Ayoob, who provided advice based on the tragic death of Philando Castile. For those unfamiliar, a police officer shot and killed Castile while he was lawfully carrying a concealed pistol with a permit. His death resulted in a politically and racially-charged multi-way feud between the “back the … Read more