Lakewood Church Shooting Bodycam Released [VIDEO]

Bodycam footage from the Lakewood Church shooting shows multiple off-duty officers working on the church security team engaging a 36-year-old would-be mass murderer. The attacker, reportedly a Muslim transgendered woman named Genesse Moreno, brought a rifle with “Free Palestine” written on it. Ultimately, the church security team shot and killed the woman, who was an … Read more

VIDEO: Crazed Man Attacking Deputy Soaks Up 12 Rounds Before He’s Stopped

A crazed man’s rampage came to a not-so-sudden end Saturday morning in Montgomery County Maryland, and a bystander caught it all on video. After striking a lone deputy twice with a long stick, the attacker took a dozen rounds while still advancing on the officer. It looked like the stuff of nightmares. The attacker looked … Read more