Polymer80 Closes Its Doors After Mounting Legal Troubles

Polymer80, at one time the largest manufacturer of 80% receiver kits for home gun builders, has shut down operations, becoming a casualty of the anti-Second Amendment agenda. The company caved to insurmountable legal defense and settlement costs that have plagued Polymer80 to the tune of millions.  “In order to be able to stop hemorrhaging we … Read more

ProPublica Horrified That a Lawful Business is Defending Itself in the Courts

After the 2021 ghost gun law passed in Nevada, Polymer80 hired the New York City law firm Greenspoon Marder to file the lawsuit in Yerington, an onion farming town that’s the seat of the county that’s home to Polymer80. One of the firm’s managing partners, James McGuire, traveled to Yerington to argue before Judge John … Read more

Polymer80: NBC News Wants You to Think Home Built Guns are a Menace to Society

The professional jernalizmists at NBC News set out to produce sensational hidden camera hit pieces on JSD Supply and Polymer80. The goal, of course, was to send a chill down the spines of Mr. And Mrs. America over the looming threat that “ghost guns” present to law and order. They want the average uninformed citizen … Read more

Nevada Judge to Strike Down Major Portions of Nevada Gun Ghost Gun Ban

From Polymer80 . . . On November 23, 2021, in a huge victory for both Polymer80 and the Second Amendment in Nevada, the Hon. Judge John P. Schlegelmilch of the Lyon County, Nevada District Court stated he would be issuing summary judgment in favor of Polymer80, Inc., in their lawsuit against Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, … Read more

Everytown and Two Wounded LA County Deputies Sue Polymer80 Over ‘Ghost Gun’ Sale

By Robert Jablon, AP Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies badly wounded in an ambush shooting last year sued a Nevada company Monday for making the parts for a “ghost gun” used in the attack. The lawsuit alleges Polymer80 Inc. negligently and unlawfully sold an “untraceable home-assembled gun kit” that resulted in the September attack. It was … Read more

Making Your Own Gun is No Different Than Growing Your Own Food

The right to craft and customize firearms is integral to the right to determine which arms one will “keep and bear.” There is nothing strange or sinister about making and customizing one’s own means of personal defense. Assembling or crafting a gun is no more unusual than growing your own food in a garden or sewing an … Read more

The Polymer80 Raid: Has the ATF Just Shot Themselves in the Foot?

As TTAG reported earlier today, Polymer80 has been raided by the ATF. The claim seems to be that the company was manufacturing and selling what are legally considered firearms in the form of their Buy Build Shoot Kits. By noting that the ATF appears to be focusing on complete kits — with all the parts … Read more

16 Attorneys General Declare Support for Ammunition Background Checks [VIDEO]

  This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For another look at the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  District of Columbia sues Polymer80 On Thursday, D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine filed a lawsuit on behalf of the … Read more

Polymer80 GLOCK Build Project: Make Your Own 9mm Ghost Gun

Welcome to part one of a three-part series, a joint collaboration between The Truth About Guns, Ammoland, and USA Carry. We’ve started a new project that will include three articles going over the process of building your own Polymer80 GLOCK compatible 9mm pistol and getting it running. The Polymer80 kit for this project was provided … Read more