What Should You Do If the ATF Knocks at Your Door?

  Knock, knock… As you are probably aware, our friends at the ATF have been busy little elves this holiday season. First they raided Polymer80 because they’ve decided that their Buy Build Shoot all-in-one 80% frame pistol build kit should now be considered a complete firearm. They reportedly confiscated customer lists. Yesterday came news that … Read more

NSSF: Retailers Should Consult an Attorney Before Selling Polymer80 Buy Build Shoot Kits

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation: NSSF is aware that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) executed a search warrant at Polymer80’s offices in Arizona and seized from Polymer80 one “Buy, Build, Shoot” kit and some company records, apparently including customer lists for those kits. According to several news reports, in the affidavit to obtain the search … Read more

The Polymer80 Raid: Has the ATF Just Shot Themselves in the Foot?

As TTAG reported earlier today, Polymer80 has been raided by the ATF. The claim seems to be that the company was manufacturing and selling what are legally considered firearms in the form of their Buy Build Shoot Kits. By noting that the ATF appears to be focusing on complete kits — with all the parts … Read more