Annenberg Constitution Project: The Modern Gun Control Movement is a Really a Prohibition Movement

In the 1960s, more violence brought a call for more federal gun laws.  “So the 60s is a time of incredible turmoil in America. You have assassinations.” … “We have the assassination of President Kennedy, Senator Bobby Kennedy when he’s running for President…of Martin Luther King. All of this contributes to a greater sense of … Read more

Americans Have Mostly Dodged Further Limits On Gun Rights During the Coronavirus Pandemic…So Far

Those looking to expand government power and limit Americans’ freedoms and civil rights hate to let an opportunity like a global pandemic go to waste. What history books gloss over is how both [Prohibition and the Great Depression] during the 1930s were the result of bad public policy. Alcohol prohibition incentivized organized crime, while credit expansion by the … Read more

Gun Control is the Modern Temperance Movement

By Theresa Inacker 100 years after Prohibition, it’s still a doomed proposition There is an uncanny parallel between anti-gun rights groups like Moms Demand Action, which continually seeks more ineffective gun control laws, and the infamous women of the temperance movement, which brought about the failed experiment of Prohibition. In 1920, Prohibition outlawed the sale, manufacturing … Read more