Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Surrounds Himself With 149 Police Bodyguards While ‘Defunding the Police’ For The Little People

Chicago’s new Mayor Brandon “Big Brain” Johnson has long advocated for defunding the police along with more gun control for law-abiding citizens. And while he has allowed almost two thousand police officer positions to go unfilled as part of cutting back law enforcement in the Windy City one area inside Chicago Police headquarters has experienced … Read more

As Chicagoans Die In the Streets, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Dances and Sings on TikTok [VIDEO]

Lori Lightfoot has done a lot for the city of Chicago. She’s presided over a 74% decline in arrests, a police department so understaffed that it couldn’t respond to over 50% of the highest priority 911 calls last year, and Murder City, USA has achieved over 555 homicides so far this year…with almost three months … Read more