Obscure Object of Desire: The Marlin Model 28

If I were to say shotgun company, what would you picture? Remington? Mossberg? Benelli? When I say Marlin, what do you think of? Likely lever action rifles like the Model 336 or the always affordable Marlin Model 60 tube-fed semi-auto .22 LR. Those are understandable associations, but you can also relate Marlin to shotguns. During … Read more

Gun Review – Remington Model 870 TAC-14 Hardwood

The Remington 870 TAC-14 and Mossberg 590 Shockwave “pistol grip firearms” have been quite successful for the two big names in American-made shotguns. Successful enough that both companies have produced a number of variants of these short not-a-shotguns. As the owner of several of these firearms, I have to say my all-time favorite is the … Read more

Gun Review: Hurricane Butterfly Typhoon 12 AOW

There’s no doubt that twelve-gauge AOWs command attention at the range, in the shop, or out in the field. They have an awesome look about them, they’re a ton of fun to shoot a variety of loads through, are great for breaching, and they make for a solid home defense option (with Laserlyte Center Mass?). … Read more