Iowa School Starts Arming Its Teachers

Newsweek breathlessly reports on a Christian School in Iowa that’s training up some of its teachers to pack heat in their schools. The purpose, of course, is to provide an active response to a murderous lunatic, terrorist or criminal until law enforcement can arrive. In other words, give teachers and staffers the ability to use … Read more

New Hampshire Libertarians Offer to Buy Back Cops’ Guns With Gift Cards, Donuts

Outside Manchester Police headquarters on Saturday, six members or sympathizers of the New Hampshire Libertarian Party gathered to protest what they call police violence, and the practice of qualified immunity for officers, with offers to buy back police firearms for a $25 gift card — plus free doughnuts. One took still photographs. Two, with a … Read more

Law Profs: Use Qualified Immunity as a Post-Bruen Shield to Unconstitutionally Confiscate Firearms

The Supreme Court’s ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen threw the political project of gun regulation into question. Before Bruen, states could enact new kinds of gun restrictions if they passed a relatively stringent means-ends test. That is, if laws meaningfully reduced danger, while not too heavily burdening the right to self-defense, they were allowed. After … Read more

Dare to Dream: What if Politicians Could Be Sued for the Harm Caused By Their Dangerous Policies and Unconstitutional Laws?

California politicians are abusing their legislative authority to draft political reprisal bills. Left coast lawmakers want to pass a law allowing the state’s attorney general, city or county attorneys, or anyone regardless of whether they suffered harm, to sue the maker or seller of a firearm that was illegally used to inflict harm. It’s a … Read more

End Qualified Immunity for Police? Question of the Day

In the essay below, Rob Morse argues that the qualified immunity from prosecution enjoyed by American police officers poses a threat to public safety, leading cops to treat possible threats as lethal threats, leading to unnecessary loss of innocent life. Agree to disagree? U.S.A. –-(  Innocent civilians are at risk from the police. We’ve had egregious examples … Read more