Charles: Let’s Finally Be Honest, Democrats’ Gun Control Laws Are Racist to Their Core

In 2021, there were 142 fatalities for every 100,000 Black Americans, a 74 percent increase since 2014 and a figure that dwarfs the homicide rate for other races. “Homicide rates are as much as 23 times higher among Black men, and as much as nearly four times higher among Hispanic men than among white men,” … Read more

Why Haven’t ‘Anti-Racists’ Targeted America’s Gun Control Laws?

Just spoke with the Regional Arts & Culture Council. George Washington statue in Portland will be removed by crane TODAY and put in storage. No long term decisions made regarding reinstallation. Spokeswoman for RACC says statue caused “harm” — Zane Sparling (@PDXzane) June 19, 2020 In the last year or so, the far left … Read more

Why Do Gun Control Orgs Work to Perpetuate Laws That Disadvantage Minorities?

Maybe this is why people like Shannon Watts and Kris Brown have suddenly shifted their messaging to social justice, police reform, and defunding or eliminating law enforcement. New York’s Sullivan Act is one of the best examples of gun-control laws that put minorities at a disadvantage, and it has been widely copied. Passed in 1911, … Read more