Everytown and SPLC: Kids Who Like Guns are ‘Male Supremacist’ Racists…Allegedly

By Lee Williams  In Joe Biden’s America, the quickest way to marginalize an individual or a group is by labeling them as racist. It can happen to literally anyone, since the accusations don’t have to be supported by facts. Once the label has been attached, the legacy media take over. The accused will then become … Read more

NPR Public Radio in Kansas City: Gun Owners Are Racists

In a shameful piece of race-baiting bigotry, NPR radio in Kansas City touted a study conducted by an associate professor of political science. In it, Professor Don Haider-Markel (he/him/his) completely ignores the racist roots of gun control laws to instead claim that it’s gun owners who are racists, not the politicians who support racist, classist, … Read more

Media, Gun Control Groups Paint Lawful Michigan Protesters as Anti-Government Racists

[ED: This report is indicative of the way the protests in Michigan have been portrayed by the mainstream press. Note the attempt to tar the protesters — none of whom broke any laws — with racism and associate them with un-named, mysterious, insurrectionist “far-right groups.”] By Sara Burnett, Associated Press Gun-carrying protesters have been a … Read more

Academics: White Gun Rights Supporters Don’t Want Blacks to Own Guns

“Much political science research has found that attitudes about racial groups influence public opinion on a wide range of topics and can inform voters’ decisions at the polls. Decades of research have also shown that the public finds it easier to extend free-speech rights to popular groups. “Our findings suggest that views of Second Amendment rights are no different. They are strongly influenced by the identity of the group … Read more

OMG! White Men! Buying Guns! OMG!

How many times have you heard firearm owners ridiculed as old, fat, racist, sister-humping hicks who are just too dumb to know any better than to cling to to their guns and their religion? It’s the gun-grabbing left’s invidious, bigoted default image of all firearm-owning Americans. The central illusion that undergirds their elitist self-image and … Read more

Gun Buyers Are Racists: Quote of the Day

“Obama was good for the gun lobby to use as a foil to make people believe that Obama was after their guns. I don’t think Barack Obama did anything that would have warranted that response. But the people who were most vulnerable to the gun lobby’s claims may also have greater suspicions about the first … Read more

Gun Makers Market Products by Appealing to Buyers’ Racism: Quote of the Day

“Not all gun lovers are racists, but there is plenty of white pride rhetoric among Second Amendment advocates, and racism is deeply embedded in the history of that particular clause. Whether they’re proudly proclaiming to be infidels (specifically, enemies of Islam), or boasting that “Blue Lives Matter,” anyone who hopes to sell such products capitalizes … Read more