Remember the Rules of the Range

With more new shooters joining the community each year and ranges busier than ever, following range etiquette and safety rules has never been more important. An estimated 5.4 million first-time gun buyers in 2021—nearly 30 percent of all firearms purchases that year, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)—means many people are fairly new … Read more

Do You Correct Other Shooters at the Range?

We’ve all seen it. Someone holding a gun incorrectly at the range, sometimes in a way that’s going to hurt when they pull the trigger. Or, more alarming, someone failing to follow one or more of the four rules of firearm safety. As in the photo above. If you’re at a supervised range, you’d hope … Read more

People Like This Keep Range Safety Officers on Their Toes [VIDEO]

The vast majority of gun owners practice safe gun handling on a regular basis. The four rules of firearm safety are easy to memorize and simple to follow. You have to break at least two of them for something bad to happen. But with 330,000,000 people in the US, the law of averages means there … Read more