Gear Review: Riton 5 Tactix 1-6×24 Thunder Ranch Rifle Scope

Despite being a red dot/fixed prism scope kind of guy, I’ve found myself drifting towards low powered variable optics (LPVO’s) in recent years. I could blame my aging eyes, but really it’s a begrudging admission that there’s a lot of versatility in these optics. It’s the same thing with Riton optics. While I have my … Read more

Gear Review: Mission First Tactical’s New Achro EDC Backpack Series

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” – Sun Tzu, “The Art of War” Just a few days ago, Mission First Tactical launched a new lineup of discreet-carry backpacks. Named the Achro series, these bags aim to provide a heavy degree of durability and storage … Read more

Gun Review: GLOCK 43X 9mm Pistol

When the GLOCK 43X was released at SHOT Show in January of 2019, many of the first reactions were, well, lukewarm. The SIG P365 had already energized the concealed carry market and now GLOCK was playing catch-up. How times can you release another altered version of the same tried-and-true formula before people stop getting excited? … Read more