Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago

What happens when a pervert tries to crawl through the bedroom window of a young woman in a Chicago neighborhood to do Lord knows what? Well, if mom’s got a gun and the knowledge, skills and proper attitude to use it to defend her daughter, Mr. Pervert won’t see any happy endings. Just such a … Read more

Incendiary Image of the Day

Okay, for the record, this came in over my electronic transom via, a website that supports the 912 Project, something Glenn Beck started over a year ago, that’s played a seminal role in spreading the word about the Tea Party movement. Again, for the record, I think the “Rapist with AIDS” is over the top (strike that…WAY over the top). I have friends that are HIV-positive, and AIDS is not the automatic death sentence it was back in the 80s. I think the point the person that created this graphic is trying to make here (in an incendiary fashion) is dramatic enough when you put the words “rape” and “daughter” in the same sentence. They could have added “with a sexually-transmitted disease” and it would have been as sensational – and less blatantly insensitive. Or they could have said “rapist/murderer” – and the effect on “Your daughter” would have been largely the same.

None of the sensationalism, incendiary nature, nor the choice of a big-ass handgun with a 5 inch barrel do anything to invalidate the rhetorical question posed – which would protect her health best?

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