The Slew of New Forced Reset Triggers and What it May Mean for Us

  This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights.  A Slew of Forced Reset Triggers Hit Market Many of us watched in agony as ATF again came after a popular product designed specifically to comply with the letter of … Read more

Biden Pulls a Trump Card – Rare Breed FRT-15 Trigger Now Classified as a Machine Gun

The agency famous for once declaring a shoe string a machine gun has now targeted Florida-based company Rare Breed Triggers. An ATF letter to Rare Breed is floating around social media stating that the FRT-15 trigger has been classified as a machine gun under the National Firearms Act and that Rare Breed needs to cease … Read more

New: The Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 Forced Reset AR-15 Trigger

The new Rare Breed Triggers FRT-15 trigger for the AR platform allows very rapid semi-automatic fire from an AR-15 rifle. Watch the video above, which shows the trigger in action and explains how it works.   The TL;DR is that the FRT-15’s sear forces the trigger to reset with every shot even if you keep … Read more