As Gun Control Loses Popularity, Gun Controllers Turn the Volume Up to Eleven

By Lee Williams These are the most perilous times many Second Amendment watchdogs have ever seen. Our right to keep and bear arms is under constant assault by a troika of would-be infringers: the Biden-Harris administration — the most anti-gun group of bullies to occupy the White House in modern times — the legacy media, … Read more

September Adjusted Background Checks Second Highest Ever On News of Higher Violent Crime, Start of Hunting Season

Try not to yawn at news of yet another huge gun sales month. September saw another 1,350,754 adjusted background checks, a good measure of gun sales activity. That’s far less than a year ago during the height of the pandemic buying binge, but easily the second highest September total on record. The NSSF’s Mark Oliva … Read more

FBI Crime Stats Show Criminals Turned Millions of Law-Abiding Citizens Into New Gun Owners

By Larry Keane The FBI released the Uniform Crime Report which showed an abrupt rise in crime. It was hardly startling to those reading or watching the news. The report showed a 29 percent jump in murders in 2020. It is reportedly the largest increase since nationwide records began in the 1960s. That’s got gun control proponents banging the … Read more

Voting With Their Wallets: Americans Aren’t Buying Biden’s Gun Control Agenda

By Larry Keane Americans are sending a message of their own, despite President Joe Biden’s continued push to restrict their Second Amendment rights. They are choosing to protect themselves. Two key markers demonstrate Americans in 2021 are voting with their wallets and politicians would be wise to take note. Gun sales continue at elevated levels … Read more

Plateauing Demand: Have Americans Reached ‘Peak Gun?’

In the first quarter of this year, 9,227 people applied for a license to carry in the county, and 8,802 were issued. The high number of applicants continued into the second quarter despite the drop in PICS transactions as 9,267 people applied and 8,745 were issued. “The [license to carry] applications have increased in 2021, … Read more

Study Determines Gun Sales Aren’t To Blame for Jump in Crime and Democrats Are In Panic Mode

The gaslighting has been flowing fast and furious. The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex, eagerly assisted by their supporters in the media, have been claiming that the reason for the nationwide spike in violent crime is…wait for it….guns! Literally everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that Americans have been buying guns at a never-before-seen … Read more

The Trace’s Latest Fake News: Don’t Believe Your Eyes, There Is No Surge in First-Time Gun Buyers

By Larry Keane It’s been widely established that law-abiding Americans are buying firearms at record levels. No one disputes it. Gun control groups decry the trend. Supporters of the Second Amendment celebrate it. But during the past 18 months, the fact is a historic number of Americans have taken ownership of their self-defense and that … Read more

NSSF: Chipman Nomination to Head ATF Helped Sell Another 1.3 Million Firearms Last Month

Oh look! Another monster gun sales month. Who could have possibly seen that coming? It’s almost as if nominating the most anti-gun individual in history to run the federal government’s firearms regulator has a measurable effect on Americans’ desire to buy the guns they want while they still can. While the raw number of NICS … Read more

Williamson: Americans’ Demand for Guns is a Dangerous Leading Indicator

We sometimes talk about “American gun culture,” but another way of saying “American gun culture” is “American culture.” As a matter of civil liberty, the Second Amendment is every bit as important as the First or the Fourth or the Sixth, and it is no accident that the semiautomatic rifle has taken the place of … Read more