Another Month, Another Sales Record…and Another Million Guns Find Homes

Too often, the mainstream media can’t seem to find room, with all the Russian wild goose-chasing, to report real news. New like the record number of NICS background checks in the month of April. Much to Michael Bloomberg’s and George Soros’ chagrin, 1,004,000 of those checks came prior to gun sales. Yes, Virginia, Americans brought … Read more

Americans Buying Guns At Record Pace in March – Thanks David Hogg!

[reviewadinsert] Barack Obama still reigns as the greatest gun salesman in history.  But David “Camera” Hogg wants a shot at that title.  All the talk of gun control provided inspiration for Americans to buy a record number of guns in March. In fact, the 2,767,699 NICS checks from March 2018 stand as the third most … Read more